9 years in growth. 200+ brands. 850+ hours of writing.
1 free constantly growing swipe file covering it all for D2C brands.
This is everything I know.
How to use:
- Click to the search button, this will appear when you hover in line with the ‘table’ and ‘per challenge’ views at the top of the file
- Type in a keyword or phrase pertaining to what challenge you are struggling with. Alternatively, you can filter the options by challenge area in the filter function underneath the file, or select ‘by challenge’ at the top of the table to view a breakdown of all resources by challenge
- If you are looking for a particular content type, select an option on the ‘resource type’ filter
- Browse out of the options available. To view, click on the URL in the column named ‘link’
- If you have a star resource you’d like to add to the list, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to submit a resource for us to review below 🙂
Growth Swipe File